About AustCham
AustCham Thailand
Builds Community
The Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce (AustCham Thailand) was the first Australian Chamber to be formed in the ASEAN region. It was established in 1977 with the charter to promote business relations between Australia and Thailand.
The Chamber acts as a contact and information point for Australian businesses in Thailand, Australian businesses wishing to trade with or invest in Thailand and similarly for Thai enterprises interested in doing business with or in Australia.
AustCham Thailand aims to provide quality and constructive input into the formulation of policies impacting on business (both by the Thai and Australian Governments), and their administration, and to contribute to the development of relations between the two countries.
Three simple words articulate the purpose and value of the Chamber.

AustCham means Business
We focus particularly on Australian businesses in Thailand and Thai businesses with an interest in Australia. That is not say that we are exclusively Australian, Thai or anything else. Australia as a nation prides itself on being inclusive and welcoming. AustCham embraces these values so membership is open to any business or individual with an interest in Australia-Thai commerce.
AustCham makes Connections
One of the greatest values of a business chamber is its ability to make connections. AustCham is arguably the best in Thailand. We offer diverse events that help to bring people together. Our monthly Bangkok Sundowners business networking events are legendary, routinely bringing together around 300 executives at some of the best locations in town. Online connections can be made via social media and through our website, helping business people connect through our membership directory and member forum.

AustCham builds Community
AustCham also plays a valuable community role. We are a focal point for the Australian (and broader) expatriate community in Thailand and an important bridge into the Thai community. We run an active community services program which contributes to a range of social and charitable programs in Thailand.