1. The Core Values are the real values – beliefs – that drive the success of the company
2. Each value – not more than four – has observable behaviours that express the value.
3. Core Values and behaviours are written into all Policies, Procedures and Systems.
4. Managers live the values and behaviours all the time.
5. Performance Appraisal develops the values and behaviours, Performance Evaluation reward and recognise the values and behaviours.
Your “Values” are the fundamental “Truths” that you believe in. (Not necessarily that these “Truths” are correct or not) What we believe in, governs our behaviour to a large extent.
When a company sets out its “Core Values” it is a statement of what the “Key Decision Makers” believe are the “Values” that will drive the Company to sustainable success.
To better understand how it works, let’s start at the beginning.
The obvious starting point is to define the Core Values. There are several ways in which this can be done. It should be a participative process, but how many people participate is open to discussion. Keeping in mind the final “Output” of developing the “Core Values” is to identify “Values” / “Beliefs” that will drive individual and team performance to sustainable success. The most efficient and effective way to identify the “Values” is to put together a team of experts. Two important selection criteria will be their understanding of what leads to business success and the ability to influence others once the values are defined.
Having defined the “Core Values” (No more than five, usually three) the team needs to define what behaviours will demonstrate the “Values” in action.