2020 will be unforgettable in many ways – although many of us would prefer to forget it!
Covid-19 has affected everyone on the planet in some way, either through health impacts, travel restrictions, employment instability or lifestyle changes.
In addition to this, we have experienced unprecedented social & economic responses resulting in spiralling Government debts, an unusual US election, a stock market crash and an oil war. It would be fair to predict we have many years before we can see a return to “normal”.
Thankfully life in Australia, has been less restrictive than almost any other place in the world. Our swift border controls and early economic stimulus measures have seen us fare better than many other nations.
We move into 2021, fatigued and uncertain about our future, but at least experiencing some renewed hope with the first Covid-19 vaccines becoming available.
This year’s Market Update Seminar considers the year just gone and ponders what may be ahead including:
- How Australia managed to control Covid-19 and support the economy
- What we need to personally take away from the chaos of 2020
- What was the real trigger of the March 2020 Stock Market Crash
- How the Australian Property Market avoided the plunge that many predicted
- The important lessons learned to protect yourself and seek advantage in the new Covid-19 Age