University partnerships start this year
When the school opened in 2002-03, our vision was for AISB to eventually provide an educational pathway from Nursery to Year 12, with an ambitious goal to form partnerships with leading Australian Universities in providing university preparation pathways.
The Board of AISB is pleased to announce that we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Macquarie University in Sydney and within the next month, we will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with La Trobe University, based in Melbourne.
What does this mean for AISB?
These partnerships will enable the following elements of the vision to be implemented:
- The school will be able to provide approved university preparation courses
- Our teachers will undertake professional learning programs provided by the universities.
- AISB will contribute to the preparation of pre service teachers from Macquarie.
- AISB will be involved with the universities in educational research
Macquarie University

Macquarie University was established in 1964 and is currently ranked within the Top 1% of global universities (Times Higher Education Rankings 2021, QS Rankings 2020). Macquarie University is focussed on fostering collaboration between students, academics, industry and society, encouraging all to traverse the boundaries of their own perspectives and effect change
AISB Partnership with Macquarie University
- In 2022-23, we will host 16 Pre-Service teachers from Macquarie who will be in the school in April – May for three weeks as part of their teacher training.
- In term 1 our Primary teachers will participate in three online seminars with Multi-Lits a Macquarie company on the Science of reading
- In term 1 Kindergarten and Foundation teachers will participate in webinars on early literacy.
- For information about Macquarie University see
Latrobe University

La Trobe University has been one of Australia’s pioneering universities for more than 50 years. It is the third university to open in Victoria, which has grown to accommodate more than 36,000 students, with over 7,000 international students from 110 countries2.
La Trobe University currently ranks in the top 4 universities for their work to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (Times Higher Education 2021).
AISB Partnership with La Trobe University
Beginning in School Year 2023- 24, AISB will offer two pre university courses from La Trobe College, the university’s pre university course provider.
The college is closely partnered with La Trobe University and has been part of the university’s main campus in Melbourne since 1974. Their English language programs and academic pathways into La Trobe University undergraduate programs have been helping students reach their educational and career goals for over 45 years. In School Year 2023 – 24, AISB will be offering two La Trobe College pathway to university to our students. These will be a Foundation Course and a Diploma Course. FOUNDATION STUDIES
- Equivalent to Australian Year 12
- Generic program that includes chemistry, biology etc
- Leads to first entry of various university degrees at La Trobe and other Australian universities
- Equivalent to the first year of a Bachelor degree program at La Trobe University
- Specific subject areas studied e.g. Business, IT
- Leads to second year entry of various La Trobe degrees
- Applies to other universities as well
- Can be completed in 8 months of full- time study
Entry to these courses will apply to students who will graduate from Year 12 in 2023. In November 2022, a member of La Trobe College senior executive staff will visit AISB to speak with parents.
For information about La Trobe university see Introduction of these university partnerships and the courses which flow from them will be evidence of AISB keeping another promise of the vision being fulfilled.