“Dear Austcham members,
It has been a great honor to serve as a member of the AustCham Board of Directors for the past two years, and this year I was delighted to be re-elected as a board member and appointed Vice President.
Though these years have been challenging for everyone, now the increased reopening of venues, resurgence of trade and commerce, and relaxation of restrictions is promising—especially for the business community. AustCham is excited to be in the middle of this, as an informational and networking resource promoting strong business relations between Australia and Thailand.
An important focus for me this year is the work of the Advocacy Committee, which I am co-leading with my fellow board member and Vice President Tanva Mahitvanichcha. This committee primarily works to encourage adoption of measures that would enhance the ease of doing business in Thailand. In addition to representing the interests of AustCham members, we also seek opportunities to partner with other bodies and associations supporting the needs of the business community. Please feel free to contact me if you have any ideas or suggestions for the committee.
On a personal level, I have greatly valued being a part of AustCham. As an attorney focusing on property law and corporate regulatory matters, I believe I can offer a unique perspective as I get to work with a wide range of companies doing business in Thailand to solve their regulatory challenges and enable their business activities in the country. I hope I can share some of this perspective with AustCham—and learn from our members about their own ideas and experiences.
Finally, I would like to thank all AustCham members and supporters for their participation in our chamber and their dedication to the business community in Thailand. I look forward to a year of renewed activity and growth.
Chaiwat Keratisuthisathorn
Vice President of AustCham Thailand